Econ 4991 - Origins of Economic Growth - Mount Allison University
Economic growth examines the significant variation in levels of income, education, and health across countries. Key questions include: Why are some countries so rich while others are so poor? Why do some grow quickly while others grow slowly? This course explores the historical origins of economic growth, focusing on factors such as culture, institutions, geography, and the enduring impacts of colonialism. It also considers historical factors influencing the economic growth of Canadian Indigenous populations.
Course Outline Reading List
Econ 2301 - Economic Issues in Canadian Public Policy - Mount Allison University
This course is intended to introduce students to the economic considerations surrounding important public policy issues facing Canadians today. Students will be exposed to economic concepts and analytical tools for examining social and economic policy. Furthermore, where applicable, students will be given reading materials and media to provide Indigenous perspectives and will be encouraged to think about how Canadian policy may impact Indigenous peoples.
Course Outline Reading List
Econ 5066 - Economic Policy and Indigenous Peoples - Carleton University
This graduate-level course critically examines the relationship between Canadian policy, past and present, and the welfare of Indigenous Peoples. To achieve this, students will become familiar with tools and concepts from within economics to aid in such policy analysis. As such, we aim to marry economic theory with historical and contemporary case studies, offering students an opportunity to apply economic concepts to understand and critique the impacts of Canadian policies on Indigenous communities. Additionally, this course provides an introduction to Indigenous self-determination and how Indigenous governance practices relate to their economy.
Course Outline Reading List
Econ(Hist)3220 - Canadian Economic History - Carleton University
The primary aim of this course is to introduce students to an economic lens through which historical events and case studies can be viewed, particularly focusing on Canada prior to 1914. We start by examining key economic concepts such as rationality, incentives, and transaction costs, along with the role institutions play in shaping them. Armed with this economic toolkit, we proceed to apply these principles for a nuanced understanding of select historical events in Canada. Over the course of the semester, students can expect to delve into a diverse array of topics ranging from Bison hunting on the prairies to slavery in Montreal, and the origins of private money before the establishment of the Bank of Canada. Additionally, the course offers an introductory exploration of Indigenous economics and the economic systems in place prior to colonisation.
Econ2103 - Intermediate Macroeconomics II - Carleton University
This is the second course of a two-course sequence in intermediate macroeconomics. The course's main objective is to allow students to delve deeper into the microfoundations of the models they've worked with in previous classes. We begin by building simple, micro-founded models of consumption and investment. We then use these foundations to explore IS-LM, Aggregate Supply and Aggregate Demand, and the Phillips Curve more thoroughly. Thus, by the end of the course, students can expect to better understand how the choices of individuals affect important macroeconomic variables in the short run, such as output and unemployment. Additional attention is given to the history of thought within macroeconomics throughout the course, with the goal of placing the models we use within past and ongoing debates within our field.
Course Outline Reading List
Teaching Assistant:
Econ 4230 - Economic History (Fall 2023) - Carleton University
Econ2210 - Introductory Statistics for Economics (Winter 2021) - Carleton University
Econ4706 - Econometrics I (Winter 2020) - Carleton University
Econ4707 - Econometrics II (Winter 2020) - Carleton University
Econ3607 - Monetary and Financial Institutions (Winter 2019) - Carleton University
Econ3900 - Research Methods in Economics (Fall 2019) - Carleton University
Econ2009 - Managerial Economics (Fall 2018) - Carleton University